Creation Abomination is a NEW Supernatural Sci-Fi Thriller written by a current BYU-Idaho professor.
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Synopsis of Creation Abomination:
A brilliant research scientist, William Mears, is working on his thesis to receive his doctorate from the University of Southern California. The focus of his dissertation is to discover how to repair injuries to the human body that are considered to be irreparable leveraging adult stem cells. After many failures, he comes to the conclusion that the only way to truly repair these tissues is through the use of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). But these cells can’t come from just any source – they need to be ESCs from the specific individual in need of healing. In other words, William needs to figure out a way to create a human embryonic clone.
While William’s intent is innocent and focused on the betterment of mankind, he has unknowingly opened up the door to a malevolent evil that reveals itself in ever increasing dreadful ways.
Creation Abomination explores human ethical dilemmas in a fast-paced, high-tech story involving ingenious scientists, complex relationships and the battle between good and evil, bringing together realistic scenarios with the supernatural.